Sanctus Real - Forgiven

Hits me right in the heart.

Lilla Vargen - This is love

So I had a conversation with Jane C the other day about marriage and it made me realise that one day when you're in love and are committed to your love, you'll learn to make it work and make it last FOREVER.

This song is beautiful.


Sleeping At Last, Switchfoot


I find myself listening to Sleeping At Last's EP these days.

Atlas: Space 2

I still remember how I first discovered them - was scrolling through a list of band names in a random website and something about their name caught my eye. I listened to Quicksand for the first time and thought, wow, what a beautiful song. Years and years later, their music never cease to amaze me.

On another note, there was once in the car to/fro Fridays/KimGary with SJ, EJ, Joshie, Ade, Miche, Sam and 'We are One Tonight' by Switchfoot was playing on the radio & we all got excited and started screaming and singing to the song. It was hilarious. 

Ok, fin!