Freelance Whales

Me likes these Freelance Whales very much! I like whales too!(the gentle giants of the ocean)

They got me in the first 5 second of listening to them with the one earphone I had cos was sharing with Juls. They were playing on his Iphone la. Couldn't get them out of my head ever since then!

Me likes them many much. Me is their biggest fan.

I love they way they sound so organic but at the same time have so many new experimental sounds in their music. Which reminds me of another band called The Octopus Project. Hmmm but that's a different post! :)
Alrighty listen for yourself and decide if you likey or not!

the last one sounds a little raw but its so cool!

Also must check out Ghosting and The Great Estates.
So awesome!

Yay I posted ady! :P


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